Thursday, June 18, 2009


If you can't read any of my posts, I discovered you have to highlight the post, or go through and click most of the words, but you can't tell where they are, because you can't see anything. I think it might be because of the template, so I guess I can change the template....But I like this one.....Oh well. Maybe turning it orange will help. Is it helping? I guess I can't find out until I post it and see. Bye!

Hello peeps!!

Hi!! My name is Erin, I already have an HSB, but several of my friends have a blogger, so I thought I would get one too. I would like for you all to go to my best friends Mom's blog She was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2008, but at the same time discovered she was pregnant. She has had the baby boy, which she named Gilead. Just so U know, I'm no good at ending post or comments or anything like that, so try to understand if I end my posts quite abruptly. That's pretty much all 4 now. Bye!!!!