Thursday, December 24, 2009


Hey everybody! I'm so sorry, I started a post, but I never finished it! I'll try to get it done by next week!
I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve!! It's been kinda hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year, I'm where I usually would be my mid-November! lol. I still can't wait though! My sister says that I saw my present 3 times, and heard them talking about 2ce! LOL!! I can't believe it! I REALLY hope I get a camera!!! WHat do you want for Christmas this year??
This year we are going to center the day more around Christ, we're going to sleep in (if possible) and open our stockings around breakfast time, and then we will read the Christmas story, and help Mom in the Kitchen and do whatever, and then we'll probably open gifts around 12 o'clock. =D We'll really meditate on the real meaning of Christmas, not just the gifts.
That's really all I had to say, just because I haven't posted for a while. TTFN, Ta ta for now!! ~Lizzie

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I was tagged by Princess on a Farm. Here 'goes!

Six names you go by?

  • Lizzie

  • Lizzie-Lou

  • Dizy-lizzie

  • Lazy-lizzie

  • Eronious

  • Chocolate/Cocoa (Ok, so I don't really go by that name, my BFF calls me that every once in a while)

Three things you are wearing right now?

  • Black fuzzy pants.

  • A blue PRM shirt. (Pine Ridge Ministries, my uncle used to do, but now he's teamed up with COW's [Camp on wheels])

  • Socks
    Three things you want very badly right now?
  • Chocolate
  • For my eye to stop hurting
  • Pizza
    Three things you did last night/yesterday
  • Watched Come What May (I will post about it soon)
  • Ate cinnamon bars
  • Slept
    Two things you ate yesterday?
  • Cinnamon bars (I bet you couldn't have figured that one out, huh?)
  • Ummm...I can't remember . . . Oh, yes, I had chicken
    Two people you last talked to on the phone
  • Ummm . . . well, I briefly spoke with my pastor yesterday, but other than that I think that the only other people I've talked to on the phone for the last few weeks would be grandma and grandpa.

Your three favorite beverages

  • Water
  • Organic Mango lemonade
  • Apple Cider

I tag anybody who who has watched Facing the Giants. (Ok, that was kinda random . . .)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I knew that after all those tries I would win one, and I did! I won the scarf that Kayla (The Lord is King of Kings) gave away! YAY!!

Christmas tag.

I was tagged by Chloƫ (Blooming in Christ). Here it is.

1) Do you like sugar cookies? Yepperz.

2) Do you like a LOT of lights on your Christmas tree, or just a few? 'Tsall good. = P

3) Do you prefer a real tree, or an artificial tree? Real. But artificial is easier to put up. And I've only had a real one once, so really it's a kinda tough question.

4) What's your favorite Christmas carol? Why do they have to ask an impossible question??? I try to listen to them ALL, seeing that we only have about one month a year to play them! lol! (Yeah, I left that answer)

5) Do you like egg-nog, or boiled custard? I like egg-nog, but I've never had boiled custard. Whatever that is . . . Well, I guess it's boiled custard . . . lol

6) Do you want a lot of snow for Christmas, or just enough to sled in? You can never have to much snow for Christmas.

7) What's your favorite part of the Christmas story? Hmmm . . . the whole story is great . . . I like when the angel(s) come and tell the shepherds about Jesus.

8) What's your favorite Christmas movie? IDK. We don't really watch many Christmas movies, but I like It's a Wonderful Life.

9) If you could spend $1,000,000, what would you buy? I would give $50,000 to my bff, and another $50,000 to one of my other friends and then I would save it for my future dark purple convertible mustang and help missionaries. =D and Then save the rest for all my kids and grand kids. lol

10) What is your favorite name(s) of Jesus? Ummmm . . . Hmmmmm . . . That's a tough one . . . I like them all. I think Prince of peace.

I tag... well, not many people read my blog . . . I'll tag whoever reads this post. Only if you want to though. =D

YAY!!! It's not a giveaway!

Hey, I was just wondering if you all liked my new blog title, or whatever you call it, or my old one better. It used to be "My Best Friend Was Born in A Manger" and now it's "Seek ye first the kingdom of God . . . " But then, I suppose the first one is a bit more Christmasy, so do you think I should just have the first one for Christmas, all year, or not at all? Comment PLEASE and tell me what you think.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm such a bad blogger, *sigh* you know what that means, don't you....

Yup, you were right, it's ANOTHER giveaway! You can enter it HERE. You all would be proud of me though, there was one giveaway that I DID NOT enter!!!! lol! I hope something big will happen so I can post something other than that I did school and nothing else! I'm not as far behind as I thought I was though, which is good!
And I also got a new skirt and a pair of jeans on Saturday! It's so hard to find skirts and jeans that fit. it they're long enough, they don't fit at them top, and if they fit at the top they (Phew, IDK what my problem is, but I could type "they" lol) aren't long enough. Usually they are to tight around the *ahem* rear end, because that's what the world finds attractive, but I don't find it good at all. Well, that's pretty much all, except that I got an ADORABLE scarf too! Bye!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yup, I'm posting, and yup, you guessed it, it's ANOTHER giveaway!

Well, here's the link to a gaiveaway for a homemade bracelet! lol, And no, I haven't won any giveaway's yet, incase you were wondering. Maybe this one! Here's the link: 3 Sisters Soaking Up the Son. Have a great afternoon! ~Lizzie (P.S. Hurry up, it ends soon!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

For once I will post about life. YAY!!

Yay!!! Mom is home, after a VERY hard week without her! She went up to Michigan to help Grandpa and Grandma. My sisters did great, and I guess I did OK, but I could have helped a little more. And I was supposed to catch up in school, and I guess I did a LITTLE, but not much. Please pray that I will be able to be caught up by Christmas. I decorated the whole house all by myself while Mom was gone, but of corse we waited to do the tree for when she came home. =D It looks great!
Thanks for praying for my grandma, Mom said that she's doing great! She gained a little more strength every day when Mom was there. We're glad that mom got to come home when she did, it was snowing both in MI and here in CO! Last night it got to -9 ℉ befor 9 o'clock, but I didn't pay attention after that, but I'm sure it got much colder.
I want to thank God for providing for our family, Dad lost his job near the end of September, and he's worked with one of our deacons at church, but no matter what happens, we know that God will provide for us. He's so good and he loves us very much, keep praying that God will provide him with a job.
Well, that's all that I can think of for now. Except that last night I made really good blackberry scones, but the top looked like . . . baked mold. lol, but it did taste very good! Well every body, I hope you have a great week! And I'm sure you're very happy that I don't have a giveaway! lol Bye! ~Lizzie

Saturday, December 5, 2009

2 more giveaways! But I'm only entering one. *SIGH*

Hello everybody! A Light To Follow is having a giveaway! She's giving away a hot pad and washcloths! And also my sister is have a giveaway! She's giving way two quilts . . . and I actually don't know what they look like, lol. Have a great weekend everybody! Bye 4 now!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Yet another Giveaway! (When will I ever stop trying?)

Yes, it's true, I found another giveaway! It's a real...well, I can't say it's really cute, cuz I don't think there's a picture o fit yet...let me see...NOPE, there isn't. But anyway... it's a scarf. = D
Can U guess what I did?? I set up the Christmas tree ALL BY MYSELF! (Well, ok, my brother "helped" a little) You can read a little about it HERE Now we just have to wait for mom to come back so we can decorate it! YAY! That's pretty much all I have to say. Bye! I guess, that seems to short.... oh, well! Byelio! ~Lizzie

Friday, November 27, 2009

Please pray.

It's 4:27 PM, mom just got a call from grandpa saiying that her mom (my grandma) is having a heat attack RIGHT NOW. Please pray that she would be heeled and that God would keep her with us for a while longer. Please pray HARD! Thankyou so much! Bye!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hi! Since Thanksgiving is on the 26th this year, I'm going to post 26 things I'm thankful for! Here they are:

  1. God's word

  2. Salvation

  3. My AWESOME church

  4. My AWESOME family

  5. My AWESOME church family. lol

  6. The letters 'l' and 'o'. who could survive without them?!?! lol

  7. The computer

  8. The laptop

  9. Anybody who actually READS this. lol

  10. All my clothes

  11. all my online friends.

  12. All my not-online friends.

  13. Webkinz

  14. My wonderful house

  15. Most everything IN my wonderful house

  16. Babies

  17. Little kids, their so funny!

  18. Pizza

  19. The five senses, especially smell! lol

  20. Books
  21. Chocolate
  22. The internet
  23. Twitter
  24. My wonderful hair!
  25. Our free country
  26. Warmth!! lol

Well, that's all for now, of course I could put a ton more things, but I have 26 there. Have a great thanksgiving!

Another giveaway!!

Hey everybody! I just entered another giveaway! you can find it HERE. It's an adorable bag!!! That's all for now!! Bye!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Yay! Here's a giveaway for some ADORABLE things! And.... it won't let me post the button, so here's the link! Please enter! Well, then again, if you enter, then I won't have as much of a chance... Well, nobody reads my blog anyways! lol That's all for now! Byelio! ~Lizzie


I just did a ton of cleaning and all the dust went up my nose. lol, that's what it feels like. Guess what everybody! I have 3,680 KinzCash on Webkinz! I hope they make a new Christmas room theme on webkinz soon so I can buy it, that's what I'm saving up for. =D I have ALL of last years! For any of you (and still, only my mom and my sister read my blog, and maybe they don't even read it) have Webkinz, my user name is Thegirlizzie plz add me! So.......I really don't have anything else to say.... So I'll say goodbye! ~Lizzie

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hello again!

Hey, I decided I would post on this blog, even if I didn't post on my HSB. I just wanted to tell you all (well, actually nobody reads this blog) that my mom just got a new blog! My mom's blog is On the Narrow Way and then my sister has a blogger, it is Ramblings of Emily Rose Please visit them! Byelio! ~Lizzie

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hey y'all's! lol

I'm sorry, I haven't been posting very often. I always post on my HSB, but I for get to post here. So, if you want to know what all has been happening... or not, then go to I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving! I'm sure I'm going to have a great 1! Please pray for my friend, I think I already posted about the family that got robbed, well somebody tried to rob then AGAIN! How crazy is that?! Pray that they would be able to figure out who is doing this so that it can be stopped! Also pray for my other friend, her great-grandpa just passed away, I think the went to his funeral today. Pray that God would comfort them during this great loss. Also pray (wow, I should make this into a prayer blog) for my OTHER friends mom, she had to go to the ER with chest pains, or something, so just pray it wouldn't be to serious. (Heart problems are hereditary) They are such a sweet family, so pray that this would be passed down to the kids either. =D I have ONE more. A good friend of mine has a grandma (Wow.....amazing!!) who also goes to our church, and the other day she totally forgot EVERYTHING! She forgot her grand kids, and... well, almost everything. The doctors took lots of tests, and she didn't seem to have any problems. As far as I know she's back to normal, so pray that is was just a one time thing, and pray for the rest of the family, this is a very scary thing! (She also is the main person in our deaf ministry, the other person who knows it well enough is very pregnant, so hopefully she will still be able to sign) Well, that's all I can think of, BYELIO!! ~Lizzie

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hi! I know I'm not supposed to post yet, but there's something really important. A family in my church has been robbed. Their Dad has been out of work since about January I think, and their Mom's car just broke down. This really wasn't the right time for them, thinking with a human mind, but God knows what is best and he is in control of every thing. All of their electronics were stolen, and their jewelry. A lot of the jewelry was inherited from their great-grandmother, so not only was it special, but it was worth a lot of money.
Please pray that the police would find the people who did this, and that they would get back most, if not all of their stuff. Also pray that they would look to God in this situation. They also need us to pray that the dad will find a job very soon. Thank you so much!

Friday, September 18, 2009

3 posts in 1

It's me again. WOW!! I'm posting. I will copy and paste My posts for my other blog now, so both HSB and Blogger users can keep up with me. Here are my last 2 posts. My blog URL is I've only posted 2ce cuz I only post after I have 3 comments. Now that I will be posting here to, that will be easier.

Aug. 17

"random" post.

Hi! I really don't see the point in being random, I mean, if you're naturally random, that's ok, but if you're not, then why try? Cuz if you think that being random is cool, it is, but being yourself is TOTALLY cooler. The world is to small to have to many random people. lol I mean, it's ok to be random sometimes, but if you're not really random, then don't try to be all the time. Everybody is somewhat random, just to different degrees. (Woah.... that's a BIG word!!! lol. And just so you know, I don't really think it is. I have no idea why I said that.) Anyway, just my thoughts. Please tell me what you think.

Anyway, about life. Not much. School, school and more school, and I hate writing, I can't write.... UUHHHGGGG!!!!! I mean, I'm "writing" right now, but I don't have a time limit, 6 words I MUST use, nobody's checking it and I am don't have to do it thre.....FOUR times a week. I've been doing school for 2 weeks now and I haven't even gotten 1 asignment done yet, and I'm supposed to have at least 6 done, if not 71/2. I don't cry very often , but I'm afraid I will some time withing the next week. In fact if I keep typing about it I might cry now. Here are my 2 stories I've started. The first one I gave up on. Here it is.

NOTICE: U do not have to read from here to the next line that lookes like this:


The Jefferson’s Move

“This is the 5th month in a row that they haven’t paid their rent!” Said John Smith, the owner of the property. “I’mInfuriated!” His agent, Sam Tomwell, a kind man replied, “Well, I suppose we will have to evict them. But I do hate to do that to such a nice family.”

The Jefferson’s were kind people, who had three children, and their Grandmother lived with them. Mr. Jefferson had lost his job 6 moths ago, and before that, they only had barely enough income to get by.

Mr. Tomwell hated doing what he was about to do. He knocked on the door and Mrs. Jefferson opened the door the second he knocked. “Oh!” Said Mrs. Jefferson. “I was just going to go out for a walk. I had no idea you were here.”

“I’m sorry to startle you, Mrs. Jefferson, but if it helps at all, you startled me just as much when you opened the door.”

“I’m sorry! So, why are you here?”

“Oh, yes! I’m sorry Ma’am, but you haven’t paid the rent for 5 months, and if you don’t pay this month, I’m afraid that you will have to find somewhere else to live.”

“Oh, yes,” Said Mrs. Jefferson. “Mr. Jefferson just got a new job, so we will be able to pay this month.”

“Good, I’m very happy for you all. Good day!”

Back at the office Mr. Smith asked, “How did it go, Mr. Tomwell?”

“ Oh, it went fine, She said that Mr. Jefferson just got a new job.

Ok, that's the "end" of that story. Now the next one, which has no title, cuz I didn't know what to call it. BTW I have to use the words infuriate, abate, sham, agent, evict and trek.

Once upon a time, there was a King named Henry. He was married to Queen Amelia, and they had a set of twins, a boy and a girl, who were 17 years old. Prince Charles was very happy about being the heir to the throne, but his sister, Elizabeth was very jealous.

One day she though about how much she wanted to be queen. She though about it so hard, that she became infuriated. “I must do something about it!” She said. So she did. She trekked to a cave and hid the prince there and took his robe and put blood on it, and slit part of it with a knife, to make it look as if he had been stabbed.

“Look!” She cried when she came to the queen and king. “I was going for a walk, and I found this!”

They immediately told the guards, who went to see if they could find any clues. One of the guards came and told them that they had found the princes footprints, along with the princesses. One of the agents said that the last time he had seen the prince was when he was with the princess, and so had the cook and one of the gardeners.

The princess had gone up to her room and it started to rain and thunder. The king and Queen were left to talk alone.

“Do you suppose Elizabeth shammed finding his robe? Do you think she might have done something to him?” asked the king.

“Perhaps, but I can’t imagine why she would do such a thing.” replied the Queen.

“You know she wanted to be queen so badly, she might have killed him so she could have the throne”

“She loved Charles so much, I can’t see her killing him. Perhaps she’s hid him!”

Just then, one of the guards came in.

“I’m sorry you’re Majesty,” said one of the solders, “but our men will have to stop the search until the lightning abates, or some of our men might get struck.”

“But we must find him! What if Prince Charles gets struck by lightning?”

“His Highness? I thought we were searching for the murderer.”

“Perhaps there is no murderer; maybe the princess has hid him. She never found the body, only a robe with blood on it.” Said King Henry.

“But where did she get the blood?” asked the Queen.

“I know!” replied the solder. “We found a dead pigeon that had been killed. We thought it strange, because it obviously was not killed by any wild animal, because it was not eaten at all, it only had lost blood."


So, I have no idea what to do. UUHHGG!!

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say about that.

ptl, God has kept dad busy with a job, pray that once he runs out of one God would give us wisdom as far as what we do.

I need to go. The timer on the oven just went off, so it's probably about lunch time. I mean supper time. Byelio!!

Aug. 4


I don't really know what to post about right now. So I'll post this tag.

1. Put your iTunes or music player on shuffle
2.For each question, push the Next button to get your answer.
3. You MUST write that song name down no matter what!!!

If someone says "is this ok?" you say:
Me (Fom beauty and the beast)
What would best describe your personality:
Asimple sadness and goodbye.

How do you feel today: Faithful men

What is your life purpose: One hundred percent.
What is your motto:
Brian'ts song
What do your friends think of you:
Walk worthy.

What do you think of your parents: High noon/do not forsake me/fromhigh noon
What do you think about very often:
Beneath the cross; when I survey;in the cross
What is 2+2:
There is peace.
What do you think of your best friend:
Mornay's Dream
What is your life story:

What do you want to be when you grow up: Are you lonesome tonight?

What do your parents think of you: Cavatina
What will you dance to at your wedding:
With you.

What will they play at your funeral: The living sculptures of pemberly.

What is your hobby and interest: First steps
What is your biggest secret:
Bunkhouse Bugle boy.
What do you think of your friends:
Moon river

I'm going to do it again, only thing time I'll give my own answers.

If someone says "is this ok?" you say: Yeah, why?

What would best describe your personality: Happy and outgoing

How do you feel today: Impatient

What is your life purpose: To serve God.
What is your motto:
Motto??? Ummm..... Love Jesus more.
What do your friends think of you:
Ask them. I think they think I'm funny, but then again...IDK.

What do you think of your parents: AWESOME!!

What do you think about very often: Haing a sleep-over w/my bff.

What is 2+2: 5. lol, 4

What do you think of your best friend: <33

What is your life story: *SIGH* I never want to attempt at doing an auto biography paper again.

What do you want to be when you grow up: A stay @ home teacher. lol

What do your parents think of you: They love me.
What will you dance to at your wedding:
Do y'all think I should dance @ my Wedding?

What will they play at your funeral: *sigh* The song I've played all my life. Here are the words. Vs.1 Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog, Mississippi hot dog. Vs.2 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4, 1,2, ssh, 4. Vs3 Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie, Come, doggie, come, doggie. Vs.4 1,2,3,4,5,6.... Vs.5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.... Vs. 6 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!

What is your hobby and interest: Reading, Iming. lol

What is your biggest secret: I'm part indian
What do you think of your friends:
I love 'em!!

That's all!! Byelio!!

That's all folks! Byelio!!! ~me

Thursday, June 18, 2009


If you can't read any of my posts, I discovered you have to highlight the post, or go through and click most of the words, but you can't tell where they are, because you can't see anything. I think it might be because of the template, so I guess I can change the template....But I like this one.....Oh well. Maybe turning it orange will help. Is it helping? I guess I can't find out until I post it and see. Bye!

Hello peeps!!

Hi!! My name is Erin, I already have an HSB, but several of my friends have a blogger, so I thought I would get one too. I would like for you all to go to my best friends Mom's blog She was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2008, but at the same time discovered she was pregnant. She has had the baby boy, which she named Gilead. Just so U know, I'm no good at ending post or comments or anything like that, so try to understand if I end my posts quite abruptly. That's pretty much all 4 now. Bye!!!!